Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Popping in...

Just wanted to take a quick second before I hit the hay tonight to post a few cute pics of our little guy!  Who, by the way, is not acting like much of a little baby anymore:(  Little turkey has grown up so much in the past week!  Even his hair has shot out like crazy!! 

It's taken a few days for the babe to get used to crawling on the tile and the hardwoods.  He does a lot of this...

Annnnnddddd....we're now interested in everything but his TOYS!!!  Lovely!

A couple pics from last week. Thankfully, he's calmed down a bit in his crib but for a couple of days, holy cow, he was all over the place!!!

Random, I know, but I've got some catching up to do:)  Stay tuned for more fun pics of Maguire and a visit to his Grandma & Grandpa's and a photo sesh with my beautiful nieces!!!

1 comment:

  1. OH my goodness. I love every picture you have on here! He is such a doll. I'm glad you have such a cutie to go home to after our wonderful days at work. ;)
    <3 Ashley
