Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

It has been such a busy couple of months!  I committed myself to savoring every second of the holiday season with my family so I put my blog to the back-burner!  Well, I have a little down-time this evening and am sitting here counting my blessings, and thought what a perfect opportunity to document some of our favorite memories we've been busy making!  Starting with Maguire's first visit to see Jolly Old St. Nick!!!  So here are some fun pics of our little man, in no particular order (cuz daddy just came in and started up "The Hangover, Part 2" and it's cracking me up so I have to go watch it!!)

He was so chill during the whole visit!  He didn't seem scared but wasn't overly excited either. 

It was so precious seeing him sitting there, looking up into Santa's eyes!  Just like he was taking it all in.

A rare pic of Mommy and her boy!

Standing like a big boy!

This is his completely disgusted look because he didn't care for the texture of the snow!  So cute!

Such a cool setup!

And one more of the big boy!

Just finishing this wonderful day off with some freshly popped popcorn in our new popcorn maker!  So de-lish!  I'm off to finish watching a movie with my guy!  A perfect ending to a perfect Christmas day!

Merry Christmas!  From our family to yours!

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Family Visit

Just going to take a few minutes to post some pics from our recent (a couple of weeks ago, does that count???) visit from Michael's sister and brother-in-law and our nephew, Max.  We had such a great time hanging out with them!  We even conned Michael's mom into watching the boys so we could have a dinner out!  It was wonderful and needless to say, a touch more wine and Rebecca and I would have had a giggling, Napa Valley replay!  Well, almost....nothing quite beats our drink and dash experience!!!  Wink, wink!!!

Anyway, on to the good stuff....I'm never one to turn down an opportunity to take a few family photos!

And who can resist babies in the bathtub?  Not me!!!!

And a few to celebrate our sweet baby boys' first Halloween!!

All in all it was a weekend we'll never forget!  We're so thankful for wonderful family and the blessing that it is to raise our little boys together!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Another beautiful family!

As promised earlier, I'm finally going to post some pictures of my older sister, Miranda, and her gorge family!  It's super late so I'm not going to go into great detail describing how awesome I think they all are!  Besides being super photogenic as you'll obviously see, they were so cooperative and patient with me and did anything I asked!!!  Love them dearly!!

One of my faves...pure love!

How's that for straight beauty?!!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A bit of this and that

Just going to take a quick break from posting fall family pics, to post a few random yummy ones of the babe!  I promise, Ranny, I'll get yours posted ASAP!!

Our little sugar LOVES to go to the park!!!!  And because I'm never in any pics with him, Michael was sweet enough to offer to snap a few!  Never mind I had to weed out some of the ground and other randomness, as he likes to act like a "pro" and snap, snap, snap!!!

He's also a big fan of the swings (both at our neighborhood and a close-by neighborhood!!).

It was so bright that day!  Little Mr. wouldn't move his hand!

We also had a fun visit with Grandpa Dave and Grandma Diane!!!  We got to see them 2 weeks in a row, which was just awesome!!!

Our new nightly routine is to strip the baby down and let him run around for a little bit before bathtime!  This is seriously so fun because he squeals and laughs and crawls away from you as fast as he can!  He is absolutely hilarious!  He also loves to crawl around with things in his mouth!  His personal favorite seems to be his tootbrush and daddy's socks!

Isn't he starting to look like such a little boy?  {Tears!}  That makes me so sad but so happy to watch him grow into this super fun, loving, sweet little boy!

Ok, I'm off to clean house because we're being visited by this little guy this weekend:)

We're going to do a bunch of this!!!
