Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Life is a Gift

Of course I'm wayyyy behind on blogging but I wanted to be sure and post pictures detailing my beautiful friend, Laura's, baby shower I threw in the beginning of June.  As you may remember, our awesome friends, Jeff and Laura, moved to Texas a couple of months ago:(  We have been missing them terribly but luckily have got to see them a couple of times since they've gone!  We had the absolute pleasure of having her stay with us for 4 nights recently!!!  It was so wonderful having her back.  And I have to be honest, she was a huge help around the house while she was here!  Trust me, I certainly didn't expect her to do as much as she did, but those of you that know Laura, know that she is definitely not the type to sit around!!!!  The biggest thing she did for me was to watch Maguire so I could run all of those last-minute errands before the party!!!

Please ignore the orangey pictures!  The lighting in our basement is pretty terrible for pictures but perfect for setting a relaxed mood!!  I could have changed the white balance in photoshop but that probably would have meant that I wouldn't end up blogging about this party!!!  Thanks, Steph, for taking pics for me so I could run around and entertain!  The theme was "Life is a Gift" and I decorated with wrapped packages.  Laura does not love all the traditional pinks so I went with naturals, green, lavendar, and eggplant colors.  I had made some tissue poms to hang over the cake table as well but didn't get them put up unfortunately!  It's crazy what a difference it makes having a baby around when you're trying to party plan!  Overall though, I was very pleased with how it turned out!!
Food table, before everything was set out

Oops, crooked candle!  And darn it, I didn't get a good picture of my homemade topiary that I was soooo proud of!!!

"I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living,
My baby you'll be"
After looking at my chalkboard sign after the fact, of course I notice the crooked handwriting!!!  LOL!

Adorable cake by The Cake Chick. Strawberry Cake with Vanilla Buttercream Filling and Lemon Cake with Raspberry Filling!  Delicious!

Perfectly matching Sixlets for the wonderful guests!!  Favor tags (and the invitations) by my girl KJ

Laura and her good friend, Lindsey
Even this guy got in on the fun!

Maguire and his ladies

I couldn't be happier for Jeff & Laura!  Having a baby was THE most amazing thing that Michael and I have ever done and I just cannot wait for our friends to experience it as well!  I love you, Laura, and already love your little sweetie so much!  Can't wait to meet her!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Date Night!!

Michael and I celebrated our 8th anniversary this past week!  Mom watched Maguire and we went out to dinner at Westchase Grille.  This was our first time eating at that restaurant and we really liked it!  They had live music and the food was delicious!  We would definitely go back again!

I can hardly believe it's been 8 years though!  And we've been together for a little over 10!  Seriously, it has been the best 10 years ever!  We, like all normal couples, have of course had our ups and downs, but we are closer now than ever!  Michael is truly my absolute best friend.  Having a baby with him was by far the best thing I have ever done in my life.  He is so patient with me, he keeps me grounded and sane, he supports me in everything I have ever wanted to do, and he is such an amazing daddy to our baby!  I cannot imagine navigating through this life without him.  God truly blessed me when he gave me Michael!  I am so excited for the endless possibilities of what lies ahead for our marriage and our family!  I love you, Pookers!!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Million Dollar Decorators

So I just watched the first "Million Dollar Decorators" on Bravo today!  I absolutely loved it!  I really liked all of the designers but my 2 faves for that episode were Martyn Lawrence Bullard and Mary McDonald!  I can't wait to see all the homes that they decorate!  I would kill to have that kind of money to decorate with!  Seriously though, I've been in a decorating kind of mode around my house lately!  Usually, I just get real irritated with the way everything is decorated, but then I clean my house and radically, I like it again!  Imagine that!!  Anyway, I'm changing a few things up on the homefront and might post some pics soon if I ever get a room completed (or find the time to blog in between playing with and taking care of my kiddo and my messy house!!!).  So check out this new show on Bravo!  I almost think I'll like it as much as the Real Housewives!!!