Somebody had a birthday recently!!!!! It's hard to believe this little man is already 1, but man, what a year it has been! I know I am real behind on my blogging lately, but as you can imagine, I have my hands just full with this little guy!! He is busy, busy, busy and such a blast so we spend lots of our free time doing a whole lot of playing!!! (Because Lord knows I'm certainly not getting any cleaning done with this little guy around!!!)

To celebrate his birthday, of course we had to do the traditional Cake Smash!!! He didn't hesitate one bit to dig right in!! He ate a TON of this cake! I've since realized that chocolate is his favorite!!

Oh and don't worry, I was completely unprepared for this and didn't even have any towels ready for clean up!!! What was I thinking?!!! Thank goodness Mom was there to help me but I literally dripped green and blue frosting all down the hall and up the stairs to the bathtub!!! Maguire thought it was hilarious though!
Happy 1st Birthday, sweet baby boy! You are loved by many!! Next up, Birthday Party pics!! {See, now I HAVE to blog it!!}
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