It's the perfect day for the appropriately titled post, "Up, Up, and Away," because our little man decided today would be the day that he would officially begin crawling!!
Can I just tell you how excited I was to see him reach this milestone?! I have talked before about the conflicting emotions that I go through, that I'm sure most parents experience, regarding watching their children grow and develop into these fantastic little human beings!! It's something I've decided that you can't really describe fully how it feels, you just have to experience it yourself!
We have watched him anxiously for the past 2-3 weeks raise up on his feet with arms outstretched, rocking back and forth, and every day thinking, "Is this going to be the day he gets it?" Knowing full well what lies ahead of us...never ever leaving his side without him appropriately trapped in some sort of contraption or completely safe area, even for a second to go to the bathroom!!! Watching him like a hawk as he finds the most random choking hazards in every little nook and cranny of our house that we had no idea was even there (like Christmas ornaments behind the couch, right Taran!!!). Possibly (but let's pray not) tripping over the baby gate at the top of stairs! Cleaning sticky handprints off the stainless steel appliances and every window and door in the house!
It is all so worth it though, watching him grow and to really begin to see the little personality he has. To rediscover the excitement of the simplest things as seen through his eyes. To be so full of excitement and love when he recognizes his mommy and daddy with our arms outstretched and he comes crawling to us. These are all of the things that are filling me with overwhelming joy today!
Oh my darling, considering how I feel right now watching you reach your crawling milestone, I can't even imagine what kind of a crazy lady watching you start to walk is going to turn me into! I am so proud of you, sweet boy!
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