Just wanted to take a quick second before I hit the hay tonight to post a few cute pics of our little guy! Who, by the way, is not acting like much of a little baby anymore:( Little turkey has grown up so much in the past week! Even his hair has shot out like crazy!!
It's taken a few days for the babe to get used to crawling on the tile and the hardwoods. He does a lot of this...
Annnnnddddd....we're now interested in everything but his TOYS!!! Lovely!
A couple pics from last week. Thankfully, he's calmed down a bit in his crib but for a couple of days, holy cow, he was all over the place!!!
Random, I know, but I've got some catching up to do:) Stay tuned for more fun pics of Maguire and a visit to his Grandma & Grandpa's and a photo sesh with my beautiful nieces!!!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
7 Months!!!
I can't even believe how fast time truly flies when you have a kiddo! I said before that Maguire started crawling this weekend....well, today he started pullling up in his crib! What?!!! Oh my goodness, child! You are wearing me out!!! Here is a video of him during "naptime" today!
The following are just a few cute little pics I took of him last week! A few of the umpteen million that I have!! He's just not too sure how he feels about sitting on that scratchy grass!
Playtime before bathtime is becoming a nightly favorite!!
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Oooh, I could just pinch you! |
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Up, Up, and Away
It's the perfect day for the appropriately titled post, "Up, Up, and Away," because our little man decided today would be the day that he would officially begin crawling!!
Can I just tell you how excited I was to see him reach this milestone?! I have talked before about the conflicting emotions that I go through, that I'm sure most parents experience, regarding watching their children grow and develop into these fantastic little human beings!! It's something I've decided that you can't really describe fully how it feels, you just have to experience it yourself!
We have watched him anxiously for the past 2-3 weeks raise up on his feet with arms outstretched, rocking back and forth, and every day thinking, "Is this going to be the day he gets it?" Knowing full well what lies ahead of us...never ever leaving his side without him appropriately trapped in some sort of contraption or completely safe area, even for a second to go to the bathroom!!! Watching him like a hawk as he finds the most random choking hazards in every little nook and cranny of our house that we had no idea was even there (like Christmas ornaments behind the couch, right Taran!!!). Possibly (but let's pray not) tripping over the baby gate at the top of stairs! Cleaning sticky handprints off the stainless steel appliances and every window and door in the house!
It is all so worth it though, watching him grow and to really begin to see the little personality he has. To rediscover the excitement of the simplest things as seen through his eyes. To be so full of excitement and love when he recognizes his mommy and daddy with our arms outstretched and he comes crawling to us. These are all of the things that are filling me with overwhelming joy today!
Oh my darling, considering how I feel right now watching you reach your crawling milestone, I can't even imagine what kind of a crazy lady watching you start to walk is going to turn me into! I am so proud of you, sweet boy!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
It's real late and I have to work tomorrow (blech!) but I have really been trying to catch a couple of minutes to post a few pics of Maguire and some of his little friends! We have been so blessed to have so many of our friends having babies at the same time as us so that our kiddos can grow up together! Now that Maguire is able to sit up and actually really "play," I've been trying to make the effort to get him around other babies his age!
We've hung out with this pretty little girl, Tatum, a couple of times!!!! Unfortunately, I didn't take many pictures:( Sorry, Abby! Next time!!
It's always fun to be around little Miss Riley! Though her screams can be a little frightening at times, right buddy?!!
And Maguire really misses his good buddy, Bossy Woo! These two are going to be little comrades together, I just know it! Hard telling what kind of trouble they're going to get into! It's going to be pretty awesome, I'm sure!
I promise he was just trying to get Boston's arm and put it in his mouth!! Though, this picture looks like he's being a meanie! Boss looked at him like, "what the heck are you doing?"
Can't wait to have even more playdates! Watching these kids interact has got to be just about as much fun for me as it is for them!!!!! Well, I'm off to bed now! Have a great Wednesday!!!
We've hung out with this pretty little girl, Tatum, a couple of times!!!! Unfortunately, I didn't take many pictures:( Sorry, Abby! Next time!!
It's always fun to be around little Miss Riley! Though her screams can be a little frightening at times, right buddy?!!
And Maguire really misses his good buddy, Bossy Woo! These two are going to be little comrades together, I just know it! Hard telling what kind of trouble they're going to get into! It's going to be pretty awesome, I'm sure!
I promise he was just trying to get Boston's arm and put it in his mouth!! Though, this picture looks like he's being a meanie! Boss looked at him like, "what the heck are you doing?"
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Can I please take your picture, Boston?!!! No? Ok, darn it! |
Can't wait to have even more playdates! Watching these kids interact has got to be just about as much fun for me as it is for them!!!!! Well, I'm off to bed now! Have a great Wednesday!!!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
6 Months...and a few days, but who's counting, right?!!!
Where has my newborn gone???? Seriously, my lil man is changing so fast I can't even keep up! All of the cliche' lines that people tell you about having kids are coming true right before my very eyes!
"It is the hardest but the best thing you will ever do!" TRUE
"They just keep getting more and more fun!" TRUE (note, I don't know how this is quite possible because he's such a blast right now but I'm just sure it is!)
"It changes your life forever." UHhhhhhhh duh, they weren't kidding on this one!
"They grow up so quickly." TRUE (Maguire wakes up from a nap and I literally think, OMG, you grew!!)
I now find myself using these same phrases to describe what I'm experiencing right now!
In lieu of all the growin' and changin' Mag-pie is doing lately, I decided to stop being so lazy and pull out my camera to document all these precious milestones he's crossing off the list. My mom once said to me right after the baby was born and I was stressing out about taking the baby's picture and documenting everything, "Pictures are great and all, but don't forget to stop and really enjoy the moment. Those memories will last forever!" I really needed to hear that at the time. But....I think I've been taking her a bit too literal because I haven't been shooting as much lately! And mind you, this advice was coming from a woman who can't find any baby pictures of her 4th child!!! (No, I'm not kidding so everyone feel sorry for me now, please and thank you! Whomp, whomp.) Just teasing, Mom, because I know you're reading this now:)
So on the morning of Monkers half-birthday, I got a few pics of his preciousness!
We had been working on sitting up recently, and that day he sat up for several minutes all on his own! It was the cutest thing ever seeing him sitting up like a big boy but still being such a tiny little peanut!
We're also seeing more and more of his personality show through. He is a mellow, happy baby that loves to give open-mouth smiles and dive-bomb your neck with his slobbery little mouth and face when he gets excited! But watch out when he's tired in the evening because even the simplest little teether or toy can make him mad and he will holler and let you know about it!
He loves to eat!!! He's still nursing like a champ but we have added in oatmeal and fruit for breakfast and cereal and a veggie for dinner. On the same note, his spitting up has decreased quite a bit so we are so incredibly thankful for that! We still have some bad days though but they are much less often than previous. With that being said, I couldn't help but throw in this goodie of a photo...perfect timing!
Even since I first started to write this entry on his official half-birthday, Maguire has started to show the beginning signs of trying to crawl! He gets up on all fours and will kick both feet out and scooch across the floor. He then gets tired of that, rolls a bit, turns a 360 or 2 and before you know it, he's clear across the room reaching up for an outlet...really??? Already???!!!
The thoughts constantly run through my head that if somehow I could just package him up right now and just keep him this way forever, I would be so blissfully happy! But then I am reminded of a line in one of my favorite stories that I read to Maguire that speaks straight to my heart and describes the powerful emotions I feel about him growing up, "If I could keep you little, I'd keep you close to me. But then I'd miss you growing into who you're meant to be!" --Marianne Richmond.
6 month stats:
Ht: 26 1/2" 50th%
Wt: 14 lb 6 oz 5th%
HC: 17" 30th%
"It is the hardest but the best thing you will ever do!" TRUE
"They just keep getting more and more fun!" TRUE (note, I don't know how this is quite possible because he's such a blast right now but I'm just sure it is!)
"It changes your life forever." UHhhhhhhh duh, they weren't kidding on this one!
"They grow up so quickly." TRUE (Maguire wakes up from a nap and I literally think, OMG, you grew!!)
I now find myself using these same phrases to describe what I'm experiencing right now!
In lieu of all the growin' and changin' Mag-pie is doing lately, I decided to stop being so lazy and pull out my camera to document all these precious milestones he's crossing off the list. My mom once said to me right after the baby was born and I was stressing out about taking the baby's picture and documenting everything, "Pictures are great and all, but don't forget to stop and really enjoy the moment. Those memories will last forever!" I really needed to hear that at the time. But....I think I've been taking her a bit too literal because I haven't been shooting as much lately! And mind you, this advice was coming from a woman who can't find any baby pictures of her 4th child!!! (No, I'm not kidding so everyone feel sorry for me now, please and thank you! Whomp, whomp.) Just teasing, Mom, because I know you're reading this now:)
So on the morning of Monkers half-birthday, I got a few pics of his preciousness!
We had been working on sitting up recently, and that day he sat up for several minutes all on his own! It was the cutest thing ever seeing him sitting up like a big boy but still being such a tiny little peanut!
We're also seeing more and more of his personality show through. He is a mellow, happy baby that loves to give open-mouth smiles and dive-bomb your neck with his slobbery little mouth and face when he gets excited! But watch out when he's tired in the evening because even the simplest little teether or toy can make him mad and he will holler and let you know about it!
He loves to eat!!! He's still nursing like a champ but we have added in oatmeal and fruit for breakfast and cereal and a veggie for dinner. On the same note, his spitting up has decreased quite a bit so we are so incredibly thankful for that! We still have some bad days though but they are much less often than previous. With that being said, I couldn't help but throw in this goodie of a photo...perfect timing!
Again, just keeping it real here!!! |
Even since I first started to write this entry on his official half-birthday, Maguire has started to show the beginning signs of trying to crawl! He gets up on all fours and will kick both feet out and scooch across the floor. He then gets tired of that, rolls a bit, turns a 360 or 2 and before you know it, he's clear across the room reaching up for an outlet...really??? Already???!!!
The thoughts constantly run through my head that if somehow I could just package him up right now and just keep him this way forever, I would be so blissfully happy! But then I am reminded of a line in one of my favorite stories that I read to Maguire that speaks straight to my heart and describes the powerful emotions I feel about him growing up, "If I could keep you little, I'd keep you close to me. But then I'd miss you growing into who you're meant to be!" --Marianne Richmond.
6 month stats:
Ht: 26 1/2" 50th%
Wt: 14 lb 6 oz 5th%
HC: 17" 30th%
Friday, August 5, 2011
Plaid Cutie
Since it's been so HOT outside, we took the little guy out for a quick walk and a few snapshots the other night! Unlike his momma, he doesn't seem to mind the heat at all and actually enjoys being out in this weather! No thanks!
It's all in the details...
It is so bittersweet watching him grow. Anyone who has a child can relate, I'm sure. I am so proud of him and enjoying every second watching him reach milestones, but at the same time, my inner being is screaming, "NO, no, slow down!"
I am so smitten with this boy....
Edible, right? Yep, I know!!! I hope you have a great weekend!!
It's all in the details...
It is so bittersweet watching him grow. Anyone who has a child can relate, I'm sure. I am so proud of him and enjoying every second watching him reach milestones, but at the same time, my inner being is screaming, "NO, no, slow down!"
I am so smitten with this boy....
Edible, right? Yep, I know!!! I hope you have a great weekend!!
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