So I had a little time today so I took advantage and did some much needed picture sorting! I swear, I could spend a week going through photos on the computer! I have THOUSANDS of pics and am trying to figure out a really good system that is quick and efficient. Like most other moms I'm sure, I have put so much pressure on myself to document every single thing about my little sweetie. It's crazy that he's almost 6 months and I already feel so behind!! I'm not going to let myself get too upset by this though! My new mantra is "I cannot do it all!!!" I'm sticking to it! Anyway, I've been wanting to figure out how to put picture collages on my blog, because as it is right now, it is just too time consuming to post a bunch of pictures and therefore I'm not posting as often as I would like.
One of the very first blogs I ever started to read on a consistent basis is written by a beautiful girl named Emily Jones. She has a wonderful heart and always posts fantastic tutorials!! I started reading her blog before she even had her last baby so to watch her littlest one grow has been pretty neat!! Anyway, the other day, she posted how to create collages and I decided I had a little time, I was going to try it out!! I did and it was super easy! You can find out how to do it here!
If I haven't talked about it already, I figured now would be a great time to do so! Maguire has been rolling all over the place over the past couple of weeks! It is so fun to watch him reach this milestone but with all this growth and change of course I get a little sad thinking how quickly he is growing up! His little personality is just developing like crazy and I feel like I am falling more and more in love (or obsessed???) with him each and every day!!! I don't even know how that could be possible but it's totally happening to me!
We also recently had some visitors to Kansas City (that's what my nieces and nephews always say, is Aunt Kinzie lives in Kansas City)!!! My sisters and their kids came to visit and we had an awesome time just hanging out and relaxing! Too bad I had to go to work 2 out of the 3 days they were here, but hey, we did get some good quality time out of it! I'm just ready for them to come back again now!!!
We also got to help my best friend, Taran, celebrate her birthday recently! Happy birthday, Straight Beauty!!!
So there you have it, a quick recap and some fun photos! I hope you enjoy my mad new photo collage skillz!!
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