Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy 1 Month Baby Boy!

Our handsome little guy is 1 month old...or he was a couple of days ago!  I'm just a touch late, but who's counting anyway?

Baby boy, you are the light of mommy's life!  I have never known such an intense love as when I look at you, hold you, or think about you.  You are now looking into my eyes like you really see me and it just makes my heart melt.  Your eyes are starting to change colors from that deep navy blue to what your daddy and I think are a hazel color....just like Papa!  You follow our faces and objects and such a small action makes us so proud and happy!  You love to stare at the light in your nursery as well as the framed ABC print above your changer.  Just today you began doing this open mouth, what I believe is the beginning of a smile!  You look joyful when you do it so I'm just sure that's what this is!  You mostly smile like this at Grammy and I think that's because she's so loud and silly with you!!!  You also have evolved into a champion eater!  You make it so easy for your momma to feed you and you're getting faster at it as well.

It is so awesome watching you grow!  It's bittersweet because I want you to stay a newborn in so many ways but yet I am so anxious to watch your little personality evolve and watch you grow into the little man you're going to be!  I tell you all the time, sweetie, that you are a child of God and loved by many.  I never want you to forget that!  Your mommy and daddy love you so much, Maguire Ethan!!!

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